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A ‘very pushed technical test’ before your hiring

Recently I’ve taken my employer’s ‘development test’. The 2009 version of this test looks a lot like the first University programming tests (optimize memory/CPU consumption, create your own data types and handling functions, avoid C++ standard libraries). The test looked like this text.

This has been the first step of a hiring process which included a second technical test. This further test has been taken in a ‘solo’ condition, which excluded the use of Internet/computers/manuals. This test included some code samples that I’ve had to correct, a couple of small programs to perform basic operations (OOP, memory allocation and developer logic are the examined subject) and some general computing knowledge questions (what certain technologies are, how to perform a typical action on an Unix system, et cetera).

(somebody calls this test, or its equivalent ten years ago, a ‘test technique assez poussé’… http://emploi.journaldunet.com/magazine/1168/)

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